Module Distributions

module Distributions: sig .. end
Commonly used probability distributions.

module Features: sig .. end
module type DiscreteDistribution = sig .. end
module type ContinuousDistribution = sig .. end

Continuous distributions

module Normal: sig .. end
The normal distribution.
module LogNormal: sig .. end
The log-normal distribution.
module Uniform: sig .. end
Random variate distributed uniformly in the interval.
module Exponential: sig .. end
The exponential distribution.
module ChiSquared: sig .. end
The chi-squared distribution.
module F: sig .. end
Fisher-Snedecor distribution.
module T: sig .. end
Student's t-distribution.
module Gamma: sig .. end
The gamma distribution.
module Cauchy: sig .. end
The Cauchy-Lorentz distribution.
module Beta: sig .. end
The beta distribution.
module Logistic: sig .. end
Logistic distribution.

Discrete distributions

module Poisson: sig .. end
The Poisson distribution.
module Bernoulli: sig .. end
Bernoulli distribution.
module Binomial: sig .. end
The binomial distribution.
module Geometric: sig .. end
The Geometric distribution.
module Hypergeometric: sig .. end
The Hypergeometric distribution.
module NegativeBinomial: sig .. end
Negative Binomial distribution.
module Categorical: sig .. end

Shortcuts for creating distributions

val normal : mean:float -> sd:float -> Normal.t
val log_normal : mean:float -> sd:float -> LogNormal.t
val uniform : lower:float -> upper:float -> Uniform.t
val exponential : rate:float -> Exponential.t
val chi_squared : df:int -> ChiSquared.t
val f : df1:int -> df2:int -> F.t
val t : df:float -> T.t
val gamma : shape:float -> scale:float -> Gamma.t
val cauchy : location:float -> scale:float -> Cauchy.t
val beta : alpha:float -> beta:float -> Beta.t
val logistic : location:float -> scale:float -> Logistic.t
val poisson : rate:float -> Poisson.t
val bernoulli : p:float -> Bernoulli.t
val binomial : trials:int -> p:float -> Binomial.t
val geometric : p:float -> Geometric.t
val hypergeometric : m:int -> t:int -> k:int -> Hypergeometric.t
val negative_binomial : failures:int -> p:float -> NegativeBinomial.t