Module Tests.KolmogorovSmirnov

module KolmogorovSmirnov: sig .. end

val goodness_of_fit : float array ->
cumulative_probability:(float -> float) ->
?alternative:Tests.test_alternative -> unit -> Tests.test_result
One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for goodness of fit, which evaluates the distribution G(x) of the observed random variable against a given distribution F(x). Under the null hypothesis the two distributions are identical, G(x) = F(x).
val two_sample : float array ->
float array ->
?alternative:Tests.test_alternative -> unit -> Tests.test_result
Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, which evaluates the null hypothesis, that two independent samples are drawn from the same continious distribution.

Note: in the current implementation samples with ties will result in an Invalid_argument exception.


  1. National Institute of Standards and Technology (US), et al. "Engineering statistics handbook", Section The Institute, 2001.
  2. Jingbo Wang, Wai Wan Tsang, and George Marsaglia. "Evaluating Kolmogorov's distribution." Journal of Statistical Software 8, no. 18. 2003.
  3. Z. W. Birnbaum, Fred H. Tingey. "One-sided confidence contours for probability distribution functions." The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, pp592-596. 1951.