Module Sample.Quantile

module Quantile: sig .. end

type continuous_param = 
| CADPW (*Linear interpolation of the ECDF.*)
| Hazen (*Hazen's definition.*)
| SPSS (*Definition used by the SPSS statistics application, also known as Weibull's definition.*)
| S (*Definition used by the S statistics Interpolation points divide the sample range into n - 1 intervals. Default.*)
| MedianUnbiased (*Median unbiased definition. The resulting quantile estimates are approximately median unbiased regardless of the distribution of vs*)
| NormalUnbiased (*Normal unbiased definition. An approximately unbiased estimate if the empirical distribution approximates the normal distribution.*)
Parameters for the continious sample method.
val continuous_by : ?param:continuous_param ->
ps:float array -> float array -> float array
O(n log n) Estimates sample quantile corresponding to the given probability p, using the continuous sample method with given parameters.
val iqr : ?param:continuous_param -> float array -> float
O(n log n) Estimates interquantile range of a given sample, using the continuous sample method with given parameters.