Index of values

add [Sample.Summary]
Adds a value to the data set.
adjust [Tests.Multiple]
Adjusts obtained P-values for multiple comparisons using a given adjustment method.

bca [Resampling.Bootstrap]
Bias-corrected and accelerated (BCa) bootstrap.
bernoulli [Distributions]
beta [Distributions]
binomial [Distributions]

cauchy [Distributions]
chi_squared [Distributions]
compare [Distributions.Categorical.OrderedType]
continuous_by [Sample.Quantile]
O(n log n) Estimates sample quantile corresponding to the given probability p, using the continuous sample method with given parameters.
create [Distributions.Categorical.S]
Creates a categorical distribution over values of type elt, where each value is given a probability, which defaults to 0 for values not in the list.
create [Distributions.NegativeBinomial]
Creates negative Binomial distribution with a given number of failures and success probability.
create [Distributions.Hypergeometric]
Creates Hypergeometric distribution.
create [Distributions.Geometric]
Creates Geometric distribution with a given probability of success.
create [Distributions.Binomial]
Creates binomial distribution.
create [Distributions.Bernoulli]
Creates Bernoulli distribution with given success probability p.
create [Distributions.Poisson]
Creates a Poisson distribution.
create [Distributions.Logistic]
Creates logistic distribution.
create [Distributions.Beta]
Creates beta distribution.
create [Distributions.Cauchy]
Creates Cauchy-Lorentz distribution from parameters.
create [Distributions.Gamma]
Creates gamma distribution.
create [Distributions.T]
Creates Student's t-distribution with a given number of degrees of freedom.
create [Distributions.F]
Creates Fisher-Snedecor distribution with a given number of degrees of freedom.
create [Distributions.ChiSquared]
Creates chi-squared distribution.
create [Distributions.Exponential]
Creates exponential distribution.
create [Distributions.Uniform]
Creates uniform distribution over a given interval.
create [Distributions.LogNormal]
Creates log-normal distribution from parameters.
create [Distributions.Normal]
Creates normal distribution from parameters.
cumulative [Base]
O(n) Calculates a cumulative statistic over a given array.
cumulative_probability [Distributions.ContinuousDistribution]
Computes cumulative probability function for a given value n, i.
cumulative_probability [Distributions.DiscreteDistribution]
Computes cumulative probability function for a given value n, i.

density [Distributions.ContinuousDistribution]
Computes probability density function for a given value n, i.

empty [Sample.Summary]
Empty data set.
estimate_pdf [Sample.KDE]
O(n * points) Simple kernel density estimator.
exponential [Distributions]

f [Distributions]

gamma [Distributions]
geometric [Distributions]
goodness_of_fit [Tests.KolmogorovSmirnov]
One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for goodness of fit, which evaluates the distribution G(x) of the observed random variable against a given distribution F(x).
goodness_of_fit [Tests.ChiSquared]

histogram [Sample]
O(n) Computes histogram of a data set.
hypergeometric [Distributions]

independence [Tests.ChiSquared]
iqr [Sample.Quantile]
O(n log n) Estimates interquantile range of a given sample, using the continuous sample method with given parameters.
iqr [Sample]
O(n log n) Estimates interquantile range of a given sample, using the continuous sample method with given parameters.

jackknife [Resampling]
Repeatidly computes a statistical estimate over the data set, leaving out a single observation at a time.

kurtosis [Sample.Summary]
Returns the excess kurtosis of the values that have been added or nan if the data set is empty.
kurtosis [Sample]
O(n) Computes the excess kurtosis of a sample, which is a measure of a "peakedness" of its distribution.
kurtosis [Distributions.Features.S]
kurtosis_opt [Distributions.Features.Opt]

log_normal [Distributions]
logistic [Distributions]

mappend [Algebra.Monoid.S]
Associative binary operation.
max [Sample.Summary]
Returns the maximum added value or nan if the data set is empty.
max [Sample]
mean [Sample.Summary]
Returns the arithmetic mean of the values that have been added or nan if the data set is empty.
mean [Sample]
O(n) Computes sample's arithmetic mean.
mean [Distributions.Features.S]
mean_opt [Distributions.Features.Opt]
mempty [Algebra.Monoid.S]
Identity, subject to mappend mempty x = mappend x mempty = x.
min [Sample.Summary]
Returns the minimum added value or nan is the data set is empty.
min [Sample]
minmax [Sample]
mle [Distributions.Categorical.S]
Creates a categorical distribution with a MLE of parameters, estimated from given data.
mle [Distributions.Bernoulli]
Creates a Bernoulli distribution with a MLE of parameters, estimated from given data.
mle [Distributions.Poisson]
Creates a Poisson distribution with a MLE of parameters, estimated from given data.
mle [Distributions.Exponential]
Creates exponential distribution with a MLE of parameters, estimated from given data.
mle [Distributions.Uniform]
Creates uniform distribution with a MLE of parameters, estimated from given data.
mle [Distributions.LogNormal]
Creates log-normal distribution with a MLE of parameters, estimated from given data.
mle [Distributions.Normal]
Creates normal distribution with a MLE of parameters, estimated from given data.
mme [Distributions.NegativeBinomial]
Creates negative Binomial distribution with parameters, estimated with method of moments.
mme [Distributions.Geometric]
Creates Geometric distribution with parameters, estimated with method of moments.
mme [Distributions.Binomial]
Creates binomial distribution with parameters, estimated with method of moments.
mme [Distributions.Logistic]
Creates logistic distribution with parameters, estimated with method of moments.
mme [Distributions.Beta]
Creates beta distribution with parameters, estimated with method of moments.
mme [Distributions.Gamma]
Creates gamma distribution with parameters, estimated with method of moments.
mme [Distributions.T]
Creates Student's t-distribution with parameters, estimated with method of moments.
mme [Distributions.F]
Creates Fisher-Snedecor distribution with parameters, estimated with method of moments.
mme [Distributions.ChiSquared]
Creates chi-squared distribution with parameters, estimated with method of moments.
moments [Sample]
O(n k) Computes an array of sample moments of order 1 to k, i.

negative_binomial [Distributions]
normal [Distributions]

one_sample [Tests.Sign]
Sign test, which evaluates the null hypothesis that sample median is equal to the specified shift.
one_sample [Tests.WilcoxonT]
Wilcoxon signed-rank test, which evaluates the null hypothesis that sample median is equal to the specified shift.
one_sample [Tests.T]
One sample Student's t-test, which evaluates the null hypothesis that a mean of a normally distributed variable is equal to the specified value.

pearson [Sample.Correlation.Auto]
O(n^2) Computes autocorrelation, using Person product-moment correlation coefficient.
pearson [Sample.Correlation]
O(n) Computes Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient for two given samples.
poisson [Distributions]
probability [Distributions.DiscreteDistribution]
Computes probability mass function for a given value n, i.

quantile [Sample]
O(n log n) Estimates sample quantile corresponding to the given probability p, using the continuous sample method with default parameters.
quantile [Distributions.ContinuousDistribution]
Computes inverse cumulative probability function for a given probability p.

range [Sample]
O(n) Computes sample's range, i.
range [Base]
Creates an array of integers given a semiopen range [a, b).
rank [Sample]
O(n log n) Computes sample's ranks, ties_strategy controls which ranks are assigned to equal values:
reorder [Base]
O(n) Reorders values in src into dst, according to a given permutation of indices.
resample [Resampling]
Repeatidly resamples a given data set with replacement, computing a statistical estimate over the resampled data.
run_test [Tests]
Assess significance of the statistical test at a given significance_level, which defaults to 0.05.

sample [Distributions.ContinuousDistribution]
Samples size data points from the distribution.
sample [Distributions.DiscreteDistribution]
Samples size data points from the distribution.
sample [Base]
O(n) Takes a sample of the specified size from the given array either with or without replacement.
sd [Sample.Summary]
Returns the standard deviation of the values that have been added or nan if the data set is empty.
sd [Sample]
O(n) Computes sample's standard deviation.
search_sorted [Base]
O(log n) Searches for the index of a given element v in array vs, sorted with a given comparison function cmp.
shuffle [Base]
O(n) Shuffles a given array using Fisher-Yates shuffle.
size [Sample.Summary]
Returns the number of available values.
skewness [Sample.Summary]
Returns the skewness of the values that have been added or nan if the data set is empty.
skewness [Sample]
O(n) Computes the skewness of a sample, which is a measure of asymmetry of its distribution.
skewness [Distributions.Features.S]
skewness_opt [Distributions.Features.Opt]
spearman [Sample.Correlation]
O(n log n) Computes Spearman rank correlation coefficient for two given samples, which is essentially Pearson correlation calculated for sample ranks.
standard [Distributions.Cauchy]
Cauchy-Lorentz distribution with 0 location and scale equal to 1.
standard [Distributions.Normal]
Standard normal distribution with 0 mean and sd equal to 1.

t [Distributions]
two_sample [Tests.KolmogorovSmirnov]
Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, which evaluates the null hypothesis, that two independent samples are drawn from the same continious distribution.
two_sample_independent [Tests.MannWhitneyU]
Mann-Whitney U test (also known as Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test and Wilcoxon rank sum test) is a non-paramteric test, which evaluates the null hypothesis that two independent samples have equal medians.
two_sample_independent [Tests.T]
Two sample t-test, which evaluates the null hypothesis that the difference of means of two independent normally distributed populations is equal to the specified value.
two_sample_paired [Tests.Sign]
Dependent samples sign test, which evaluates the null hypothesis that the median difference between observations from two related samples is zero.
two_sample_paired [Tests.WilcoxonT]
Wilcoxon paired signed-rank test, which evaluates the null hypothesis that two related samples have equal medians.
two_sample_paired [Tests.T]
Paired two sample t-test, which evaluates the null hypothes that the difference of means of the two paired normally distributed populations is equal to the specified value.

uniform [Distributions]

variance [Sample.Summary]
Returns the variance of the available values or nan if the data set is empty.
variance [Sample]
O(n) Computes unbiased estimate of a sample's variance, also known as the sample variance, where the denominator is n - 1.
variance [Distributions.Features.S]
variance_opt [Distributions.Features.Opt]